Gate Services


Gate Operators

Ever wish your gate could just handle itself? Well, that’s where our Gate Operator Services come in – like your gate’s personal assistant. They’re the pros at setting up, taking care of, and fixing those automated gate systems.

Whether it’s your home, shop, or workspace, these services make sure your gate knows when to open and close, keeping everything safe and sound. It’s like having a trusty sidekick for your gate! Easy, reliable access – that’s the type of gate we usually install and replace accurately and fast.

Elevated Security: Gate operators act like the guardians of your property, stopping unauthorized entry and giving your security a serious boost.

Effortless Convenience: With automated gate operation, forget about manual hassle. It’s like having your gate open and close with just a magical touch – saving you time and effort.

Tailored Solutions: Get a security plan that fits like a glove. Gate operators can be customized and smoothly combined with other security features for a complete and effective solution.


Fencing Gates

Step into the world of Fencing Gate Services, where gates become more than just barriers – they become statements. Our experts have the expertise in installing, fixing, and maintaining all kinds of gates for homes and businesses.

Beyond Entryways

It’s not just about gates; it’s about crafting entrances that are secure, functional, and visually pleasing. Swing gates that dance open, sliding gates that glide effortlessly, and automated gates that bring a touch of magic – we make it happen.

Your Gate, Your Style

From the sleek charm of aluminum to the timeless beauty of wood, we offer a palette of gate options. Fencing Gate Services aren’t just about installation; they’re about understanding your needs, recommending the perfect gate, and ensuring it stands strong, providing ongoing support. Because it’s not just a gate; it’s your property’s style and security statement.

Types of Fencing Gates:


Chain Link



Security Reinvented: Fencing gates aren’t just barriers; they’re security guards for your property. By controlling access, they make sure only the right folks get in, enhancing your overall safety by keeping the unwanted out.

Your Private Space: Imagine your property as secured with limited visibility and intimate surroundings. Fencing gates add an extra layer of privacy, making your space more intimate and shielding it from prying eyes.

Eye-Catching Entrances:Beautifully designed fencing gates aren’t just functional; they’re style statements. They boost your property’s curb appeal, blending seamlessly with your fence and the surrounding landscape.

Safety First: For families with kids or pets, gates aren’t just about keeping people out; they’re about keeping your loved ones safe inside. They act as a physical barrier, preventing accidental entries into busy areas.

Value Booster: Investing in a top-notch fencing gate isn’t just about today; it’s about tomorrow too. Quality gates can increase your property’s value, making it more attractive to potential buyers who love the idea of security and charm.

Access on Your Terms: Gates aren’t just about keeping people out; they’re about letting the right ones in. Enjoy the convenience of controlled access, especially handy in residential, commercial, and industrial setups. It’s your property, and you’re in control!


Custom-Built Gates

Welcome to our custom-built gate services, where gates are not just barriers; they’re expressions of your individuality. This specialized service goes beyond the ordinary, focusing on designing, constructing, and installing gates that are as unique as you are.

Your Vision, Our Mission

Custom-built gate services are all about bringing your vision to life. We work closely with you, understanding your specific needs – whether it’s enhancing security, aligning with your style, or meeting functional requirements.

Styles Tailored to You

No two clients are the same, and neither should be their gates. These services are tailored to your unique preferences, ensuring that the end result not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Beyond Security

While security is a top priority, custom-built gates go a step further. They’re about making a statement, reflecting your design, and seamlessly integrating with your property’s aesthetics.

Your Gate, Your Story

It’s not just a gate; it’s a story waiting to be told. Custom-built gate services turn your ideas into reality, creating entrances that are not just functional but also artistic expressions of your personality and requirements.

Tailored Design: Custom-built gates aren’t just gates; they’re reflections of your unique style. With personalized designs, your gate becomes a distinctive feature that sets your property apart.

Heightened Security: Beyond functionality, custom-built gates prioritize your security needs. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, they stand as robust barriers against unauthorized entry.

Crafted to Last: Durability is at the forefront of custom-built gates. Meticulous craftsmanship ensures that your gate not only serves its purpose but withstands the test of time, making it a long-lasting investment.

Automated Convenience: Imagine your gate responding to your needs with just a touch. Custom-built gates can be automated for effortless convenience, adding a modern touch to your property.

Property Value Boost: Investing in a custom-built gate isn’t just about the now; it’s about the future. The uniqueness, security, and aesthetics they bring can potentially increase your property’s overall value.

A Wise Investment: For those seeking a blend of functionality, aesthetics, and tailored solutions, custom-built gates stand as a valuable investment. They go beyond being entrances – they become expressions of your lifestyle and priorities.

Considering Electric Gate Openers for Your Business?

Explore Gate Operators!

If your business relies on a fenced-in yard for parking, machinery, trucks, or inventory, Adrian-Tecumseh has the solution. Our gate barriers go beyond just control – they enhance security, offer unmatched convenience, boost curb appeal, and prioritize safety. Optimizing your business space has never been easier with our reliable gate operators.

Looking for Interior Barrier Installation?

Discover Gate Barriers!

Consider setting boundaries within your property, whether it’s for hallways, stairways, or outdoor spaces like landscapes and pools? Adrian-Tecumseh has you covered with our specialized barrier installation services. Elevate your security measures with barriers that extend beyond external protection, providing a sturdy defense within your premises.

Explore a world of possibilities, where security meets sophistication in every entryway.

Whether it’s a welcoming single-entry gate, a grand double-entry statement, a driveway gate for privacy, a charming garden gate, or an elegant courtyard gate – each solution is tailored to complement your style and enhance the overall appeal of your property.

Need a Secure and Stylish Entry?

Try Fencing Gates!

Secure your space with style! Unlock a new level of security and style with Adrian-Tecumseh’s fencing gate services. Our gates serve as more than mere barriers; they are the guardians of your boundaries, ensuring privacy and security. From classic swing gates that offer timeless charm to space-saving sliding gates designed for efficiency, our solutions cater to your needs. 

Seeking a Gate Tailored to You?

Check Custom-Built Gates

Discover the ultimate in personalized gate solutions with Adrian-Tecumseh’s custom-built gates. Tailor-made to match your specific needs and preferences, our custom gates blend functionality, security, and style seamlessly. Let us craft a gate that’s as unique as your property.

Find Your Perfect Entry Point

Discover a range of fencing gate solutions that not only safeguard your property but also elevate its aesthetic appeal. Adrian-Tecumseh’s fencing gate services offer an array of options to meet your needs.

Swing Gates: It provides a classic and efficient entry solution, combining security with ease of use.

Sliding Gates: If you’re tight on space, our sliding gates offer a sleek alternative, perfect for driveways or limited openings.

Automated Gates: For added convenience, consider automated gates, bringing modern technology to enhance both security and accessibility. 

Gate Fabrication Specialists

We Are Gate Fabricator Experts!

Adrian-Tecumseh Fence stands as your gate fabrication specialist, focusing on crafting unique aluminum, vinyl, wood, and chain-link style gates. Our skilled technicians blend artistry and precision, ensuring your gates are not only strongly built but also showcase unparalleled craftsmanship. Experience the perfect union of functionality, security, and aesthetic appeal with gates tailored to meet your unique needs.

We Install Gates Perfectly

Experience the customized beauty and practicality of Adrian-Tecumseh’s gates, where each detail is carefully crafted to bring your vision to life. Here’s why we are the top-notch gate installer:

Perfect Fit: Our gates effortlessly adapt to your property’s slope for a seamless and precise installation.

Personalized Style: Choose from a variety of colors and finishes to match your unique taste and preferences.

Distinctive Touch: Opt for traditional or contemporary hand-forging techniques, adding a unique charm that complements your home or business architecture.

Choose Adrian-Tecumseh Fence

Elevate your property’s aesthetics while reinforcing its defenses – choose fencing gates that go beyond the ordinary!

We Create Your Entryway

Enhance your property with Adrian-Tecumseh’s custom gate solutions. Our expertly crafted gates go beyond security, offering a personalized touch to elevate your entrance. Here’s our range of gate options for home or office needs:

Single-Entry Gates

Welcome guests with style! Our custom single-entry gates not only secure your property but also add a touch of personalized elegance to your entrance.

Double-Entry Gates

Make a statement! Our double-entry gates combine security and sophistication, creating a grand entrance for your home or business.

Driveway Gates

Privacy meets style! Our driveway gates, tailored to your taste, ensure a secure and aesthetically pleasing entry to your property.

Garden Gates

Charm your garden! Our garden gates add a delightful touch to your outdoor space, blending seamlessly with your landscaping.

Courtyard Gates

Elevate your courtyard! Our custom-designed courtyard gates strike the perfect balance between aesthetics and security, enhancing your outdoor living area.

We Build Strong and Tough Gates

Adrian-Tecumseh specializes in crafting robust iron gates, meticulously fabricated to ensure a perfect fit and design. Our skilled technician brings expertise to every detail, guaranteeing the durability and strength of your gates. Professionally built, our gates not only enhance security but also add a personal touch to your property. Choose Adrian-Tecumseh for gates that combine strength, durability, and personalized design for a unique and distinguished look.


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Ready to elevate your space with the perfect fence?

Connect with us for a friendly call and a free consultation! We're here to guide you in choosing the ideal fence that suits your needs perfectly. Let's talk about your fencing options! For a speedy response, you can also shoot us an email.